August 25, 2004

Kerry on Daily Show

Watched it last night. Mixed reviews around the web. I think that anything that makes Kerry seem more human is good. Kerry didn't try to be funny much, left that to Stewart who, frankly, is better at it. Somehow, "guy you would like to have a beer with" became a measure for whom to cast your vote. Now, this is a profoundly stupid way to pick a president, but that's the game so Kerry has to play. I liked this one:

Kerry: You'd be amazed the number of people who wanna introduce themselves to you in the men's room.

In other news, New York really does hate the GOP. I really think this is going to make them look bad. Reporters got really bored with the Dem convention and they are likely to do so again with the GOP. I'm a bored reporter, I wander out of the convention center and bam! Three classic New York characters all of whom are voting against Bush.

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