You know what sucks about absentee voting? No, it's not the worry that my vote won't count... although that is a real possibility. It's that I don't get a sticker. I really want an "I voted today" sticker. It really sucked when I lived in RI because everyone there just assumed I hadn't voted because I had no sticker. I did TOO vote - by mail...
You know what sucks about absentee voting? No, it's not the worry that my vote won't count... although that is a real possibility. It's that I don't get a sticker. I really want an "I voted today" sticker. It really sucked when I lived in RI because everyone there just assumed I hadn't voted because I had no sticker. I did TOO vote - by mail...
So get out there people! And get your sticker!!
I got my sticker.
Voted. Got a sticker. Took the kid with me and she got a sticker too.
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