November 4, 2008

My Story

I voted. Dodged the morning rush at my polling place, so no waiting. One poor bastard was stuck in bureaucratic limbo, not showing up on any of the lists, but everyone else was voting smoothly. Did you know that Allen Keys is on the ballot this year? No, for President. I had no idea. I had to make a snap decision on a Community College bond measure and an adjustment to local utility taxes. I hoped I picked right.

Tell me your voting story.


Anonymous said...

Let's see. I went to my polling place, which is at the Senior Center in San Andreas. As I was voting, I had to listen to a group of old people talk about purgatory and what exactly it is. Didn't sound pleasant. Then I couldn't remember if I liked or didn't like the alternative energy propositions, so I had to call YOU to tell me. As it turns out, I don't like them. :). Then I got coffee and a doughnut to celebrate. Oh, and my sticker. Gotta love the sticker.

EFitz said...

The Alameda County Registrar screwed-up. I'm one of those organized people, who filled-out the forms, planned ahead, waited patiently, then without patience, complained, filled-out more forms, waited again, and still didn't get to vote. I'm sad. At least if McCain wins (no-no-no!!!!!), I have Canada to choose for my home and the USA to denounce forever. I hope folks get it right this time. I like California.

Laura said...

As usual, I picked up my daughter from school and took her with me to my polling place, let her help me, and let her put my ballot in the machine. There were no lines, in fact we were the only ones in the place...

Anonymous said...

I'm a permanent absentee ballot voter but I'm too cheap to mail it in so I drop it off on election day... I went to my polling place at lunch and there wasn't a line (there were about a dozen people voting though).

I'm still getting used to voting in California (my current polling place is a church, and at my other apartment it was at a fire station). Growing up in Hawaii, when I went with my mom or dad when they voted, the polling place was at a community center or at a school. For the general election some school cafeterias were the polling places so every other year all (public) schools would have a day off on election day! (General) Election day is a State Holiday in Hawaii, and I think the City and County of Honolulu observes it as well.