September 24, 2004

Friday Roundup

Some more stuff about the draft. Because my mother is not worried enough this fine morning.

1,043 U.S. dead in Iraq. I'm really trying to bring my mom down.

"Life's not perfect" - Donald Rumsfeld on the possibility that parts of Iraq can't take part in elections. Hey, New England, sorry but you can't vote, life's not perfect.

Read Political Animal on the total state of denial that Bush is in.

Read Sidney Blumenthal on the same subject:

The news is grim, but the president is "optimistic." The intelligence is sobering, but he tosses aside "pessimistic predictions." His opponent says he has "no credibility," but the president replies that it is his rival who is "twisting in the wind." The secretary general of the United Nations speaks of the "rule of law," but Bush talks before a mute General Assembly of "a new definition of security." Between the rhetoric and the reality lies the campaign.

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