September 22, 2004

I'm Telling You We are going to Win

So, I keep hearing from people about how they are so sad that Bush is going to win. Mainly this is based on the sight of a Gallup poll that puts Bush up 13 points that everyone seems to have seen. Everybody calm down just a bit. There are a lot of polls and most of them have the race very close. Go to polling report and take a look. I think one problem is that people are thinking about this race like it's a sports game. I'm as fond of sports metaphors as anybody but a Presidential race is not a football game. In football, an early lead will help you later in the game. Being really ahead early in the race does not help you one bit if that lead is gone by election day. Just ask President Howard Dean. There is only one poll that Kerry has to win and that's election day. The horse race numbers will not be worth the html I've linked to on November 3rd. The horse race will move up and down. We have had both conventions, and in a week the debates will start. All kinds of polls will come out. Only one will matter. So go vote and don't let Gallup mess with your head. The Republicans will act like they are winning. Here is an old quote from 2000 I stole from The Note:

With little more than three weeks until Election Day, Mr. Bush and his aides are exuding a mood as helium-buoyant as at any other point in the 16 months of his campaign. They feel that he aced last week's debate and turned the tide of polls decidedly in his favor, and they seem to be operating in a zone of comfort and joy, or at least are successfully projecting that image.

Frank Bruni, New York Times, October 16, 2000

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