July 25, 2004

DNC Convention Analysis

We now bring you a fresh angle for looking at the Democratic Convention which will be leading the news all this week. A top Democratic source has leaked to Craigorian Chant the delegation seating chart for the convention. (No, not really you can get it here) It is important to note that the cheering mass of people you will see on TV do not just sit anywhere, they are seated by State delegation. Everything gets stage managed by the Kerry campaign so this is a key indicator as to what states are important and which are not. To no one's surprise, Massachusetts gets the best seats in the Fleet Center, with North Carolina just to their left. Swing states such as Florida and Ohio and Missouri get all the good seats on the floor level. Big, secure, Blue States like California and New York are farther back in the stands but are right in front of the stage. Big Red States like Texas are off to the side in the back. Kentucky and Kansas, both reliable Red States are stuck way up in the rafters of the Fleet Center. The very worst seats in the place go to the delegates from States like Idaho and Mississippi. If your State hasn't gone for a Democrat in century don't expect to get yourself a good seat for the speeches.

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