July 29, 2004

This Internet is here to Stay

So, I missed watching any of the convention last night. Saw the new Bourne movie instead. Quick review: Damn Good. I might right a long review if I get tired of political posting. However, so many people are watching, either on TV or at the convention and writing it up on the Internet, I can just feed off the commentary and never have to tune in the real stuff. So, to sum up: Mixed reviews for the next Vice-President's speech. The networks when into a tizzy because Al Sharpton went off script and went over time. It's not surprising considering Sharpton's whole campaign seems designed to get him this speaking spot. I heard Fox jerk, Sean Hannity, being an amazing ass with Jimmy Hoffa Jr. on the radio yesterday afternoon, Gladfly has pics. Yes, Hoffa is the son of that Jimmy Hoffa and is the current head of the Teamsters Union. I would not be surprised to see Hannity face down in a ditch somewhere.

One thing that is pointed out a lot is that the networks are only covering 3 hours total of the convention and same for the Republicans in New York. But so many other forms of media - radio, cable, and Craigorian Chant are talking about this that it's bound to reach a lot of people.

In other news, incomes fell two years in a row. Great economy you got there Bush.

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