July 11, 2004

Special Announcement

Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to announce the public unveiling of Craigorian Chant a (mostly) Daily Web Log written, edited and published by Craig Baracco. Providing the most cutting edge political commentary on the web is the stated goal of Craigorian Chant. It is a goal we will never even come close to, but attempt should be funny.

Political junky? Come to Craigorian Chant to get your fix! Don't follow politics? I'll watch Meet the Press so you don't have to! Want to follow the election but turned off by all the crap? We provide a protective layer of snark to help you digest the news easier! Hate politics? Um, then I really don't have anything for you. We might add movie reviews or some other stuff.

Craigorian Chant is a fully interactive experience. If you like or hate something I post you can leave a comment saying so. We are also hiring reporters here at Craigorian Chant. You can join United Kingdom Bureau Chief Chris-Callison Burch and Senior Mid-West Corespondent Tyler Allen and send in stories, cool links and spelling corrections.

So in conclusion, please come to the blog. I'm literally spending minutes a day working on it and you would just hate to see that time wasted wouldn't you? If you could forward this e-mail to anyone you might be entertained or outraged by what I write, it would be much appreciated.

What was that web address again?

It is Craigorian Chant.


Thank you for you time and remember if you don't visit Craigorian Chant the terrorist will have already won.

Oh and don't forget to vote. They win if you don't vote.

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