April 3, 2005

I Like Sin City and That's Bad

I am rather disturbed by how much I enjoyed Sin City. The movie is a visual knockout. There are sceens and shots that are just sheer black and white (with a touch of color) amazing. Think of the best of movies and the best black and white photography and the best graphic novel frames and you will get an idea of how good Sin City is visually. The dialog and characters are delivered by the Hollywood A-list and are as hard boiled as they come. And I mean put an egg on the stove, leave it on when you leave for the weekend, your house burns down and somewhere in the ashes is an egg that is almost as hard boiled as they talk in this movie.

This movie is also a bloody mess. And I do mean a lot of blood, very little of it red. It comes out white, black and yellow. There are a whole lot of very nasty people doing an unbelievable number of nasty things and those are the good guys. And I was rooting for those good guys. So I'm little worried about my moral center. Do that mean that all you need to do is make it visually stunning and I'll embrace the worst violence ever? I mean, I'm helping to pick a Pope here. This is not good.


Laura said...

Craig, how can you question your moral center. You are in my list of top 5 most moral people I know.

Come to think of it though, that may not be so reassuring, coming from me. ;-)

Tyler said...

Remember though...its comic book violence. That makes it ok to embrace. Not that it would matter for me. I mean I loved the Kill Bill movies.

Anyhow, I Agree. Sin City is a masterpiece. Imainge this movie could create a whole new genre!!! Mmmmmmmm blood...

Chris said...

In the 1950s comic book violence was the cause du jour of juvenile delinquency. An expose called Seduction of the Innocent was released and resulted in the passing of the American Comic Book Code, which sanitized comics for decades. Frank Miller was one of the people who pulled comics back into their gritty origins.