December 13, 2005

Porno Tax

Ah the Italian political system, the gift that keeps on giving. The same Country that brought you the porn star serving as an MP now brings you this:

Italy's cash-strapped government has decided to hike taxes on one of the country's few vibrant industries, pornography, to help rein in the burgeoning budget deficit, government sources told Reuters on Tuesday.

The "porno-tax", which imposes an additional levy of 25 percent on all income from pornography, is contained in a package of amendments to the 2006 budget to presented in the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday or Wednesday, the sources said.

Now, will this tax result in an overall decrease in porn consumption? Or is demand for porn inflexible, thus resulting in increased tax revenue? Why is porn the only vibrant Italian industry? Why not food, suites or sports cars? How is porn defined? Why am I asking serious policy questions about a story I linked to just to amuse and titillate?

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