December 18, 2005

All Hail!

Bono named Time's Person of the Year. Along with some guy with a computer company who gave away alot of money with his wife. But the important thing is that Bono is Time's person of the year. I am now going to start a movement to have Bono elected President of the World.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

Look who GQ named "Man of the year"

(alright, GQ named "men of the year" so he was one of a few, but you know, they put him on the cover. Not too many other such people who've been give the title "Man of the year" --by Time, GQ, etc.-- have pushed as much crack as 50. Maybe Ken Starr.)

Also, 50 Cent said he would have voted for Bush. Bush did crack or coke...hey!